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Spectra Ultra – Scanning transmission electron microscope (TEM)

Scanning transmission electron microscope for imaging and spectroscopy of beam sensitive materials.

Spectra Ultra Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope

To truly optimize TEM and STEM imaging, EDX and EELS may require acquisition of different signals at different accelerating voltages. The rules may vary from sample to sample but, it is generally accepted that: 1) the best imaging is done at the highest possible accelerating voltage above which visible damage will occur, 2) EDX, especially when mapping, benefits from lower voltages with increased ionization cross-sections, thus yielding better signal-to-noise ratio maps for a given total dose, and 3) EELS works best at high voltages to avoid multiple scattering, which degrades the EELS signal with increasing sample thickness.

Built on an ultra-stable foundation

The Spectra Ultra S/TEM is delivered on a platform designed to offer an unprecedented level of mechanical stability quality through passive and (optional) active vibration isolation.

Like the Thermo Scientific Spectra 200 S/TEM and Spectra 300 S/TEM, the system is housed in a fully redesigned enclosure with a built-in on-screen display for convenient specimen loading and removal. For the first time, full modularity and upgradeability can be offered between uncorrected and single-corrected configurations with variable heights, allowing maximum flexibility for different room configurations.

  • Energy spread: 0.2–0.3 eV
  • Information limit: <100 pm
  • STEM resolution: <136 pm
Probe corrected
  • Energy spread: 0.2–0.3 eV
  • Information limit: <100 pm
  • STEM resolution: <50 pm (125 pm @ 30 kV)
Probe+Image Corrected X-FEG/Mono                                 
  • Energy spread: 0.2–0.3 eV
  • Information limit: <60 pm
  • STEM resolution: <50 pm at 300kV with >30pA of probe current
    STEM resolution: <125 pm at 30kV with >20pA of probe current
Probe+Image Corrected X-FEG/UltiMono                                       
  • Energy spread: 0.05 eV (0.025 eV @ 60kV)
  • Information limit: <60 pm
  • STEM resolution: <50 pm at 300kV >30pA of probe current
    STEM resolution: <125pm at 30kV with >20pA of probe current
Probe+Image Corrected X-CFEG
  • Energy spread: 0.4 eV
  • Information limit: <70 pm
  • STEM resolution: <50 pm (<136 pm @ 30 kV) with >100pA of probe current
  • X-FEG Mono: High-brightness Schottky field emitter gun and monochromator with a tunable energy resolution range between 1 eV and <0.2 eV
  • X-FEG UltiMono: High-brightness Schottky field emitter gun with ultra-stable monochromator and accelerating voltage with a tunable energy resolution range between 1eV and <0.05 eV (<0.025eV @ 60kV)
  • X-CFEG: Ultra-high brightness with an intrinsic energy resolution of <0.4 eV with 14nA of total beam current and <0.3eV with 2nA of total beam current
  • Flexible high-tension range from 30 – 300 kV

Fastest time to optimized results from more materials

  • The highest resolution spatial information (50 pm) from a specimen can be collected at 300 kV. Then, the system can be switched to lower accelerating voltages for STEM EDX mapping with increased ionization cross sections from the same area with higher X-ray yields, leading to reduced sample damage.
  • For specimens that suffer from “knock-on” damage, the accelerating voltage can be switched multiple times within a single microscopy session to mitigate beam damage and ensure data integrity is maintained.

Lowest dose STEM/EDX for the characterization of more materials

The Spectra Ultra S/TEM brings the next era in EDX detection to the market with our Ultra-X EDX detector. Providing a solid angle (>4.45 Sr) at least two times greater than any other EDX detector solution, the sensitivity of Ultra-X opens up new capabilities in STEM EDX analysis. Even with the shadowing of an analytical double tilt holder considered, the solid angle is >4.04 srad

Unprecedented sensitivity with the Panther STEM detection system

STEM imaging on the Spectra Ultra S/TEM has been reimagined with the Panther STEM detection system, which includes a new data acquisition architecture and two new, solid-state, eight-segment ring and disk STEM detectors (16 segments in total). The new detector geometry offers access to advanced STEM imaging capability combined with the sensitivity to measure single electrons.

Highest resolution STEM imaging performance

The Spectra Ultra S/TEM is equipped with the new S-TWIN’ (S-TWIN Prime) pole piece. The S-TWIN’ is based on the S-TWIN design. It provides both ultra-high spatial resolution in STEM (e.g., 50 pm at 300 kV and 96 pm at 60 kV) and a wide gap for experiments requiring large tilt angles or bulky in situ holders.

High-energy resolution and high-brightness sources

The Spectra Ultra S/TEM can be optionally equipped with either a standard monochromator (X-FEG/Mono) or a high-energy resolution monochromator (X-FEG/UltiMono). Both monochromators are automatically excited and tuned with single-click operation to achieve the highest energy resolution possible on each configuration by using OptiMono or OptiMono+, respectively.

Advanced STEM imaging capabilities

The Spectra Ultra S/TEM can be configured with an electron microscope pixel array detector (EMPAD) or a Thermo Scientific Ceta™ Camera with speed enhancement to collect 4D STEM data sets.

In situ capabilities of the Spectra Ultra S/TEM

The Spectra Ultra S/TEM accepts a wide range of holders for in situ experiments with its all-in-one S-TWIN’ wide-gap pole piece. The family of Thermo Scientific NanoEx Holders can be seamlessly integrated with the microscope, enabling MEMS device-based heating for atomic imaging at elevated temperatures. Below, gold nanoparticles are heated to 700 degrees Celsius and the resulting motion is captured simultaneously with full frame 4k by 4k pixel resolution at a rate greater than 30 frames per second on a Ceta Camera with speed enhancement. The result is high spatial and temporal resolution of highly dynamic molecular behavior.

Process control using electron microscopy

Modern industry demands high throughput with superior quality, a balance that is maintained through robust process control. SEM and TEM tools with dedicated automation software provide rapid, multi-scale information for process monitoring and improvement.

Quality control and failure analysis

Quality control and assurance are essential in modern industry. We offer a range of EM and spectroscopy tools for multi-scale and multi-modal analysis of defects, allowing you to make reliable and informed decisions for process control and improvement.

Fundamental Materials Research

Novel materials are investigated at increasingly smaller scales for maximum control of their physical and chemical properties. Electron microscopy provides researchers with key insight into a wide variety of material characteristics at the micro- to nano-scale

Semiconductor research and development

The increasing complexity of semiconductor device structures, along with the shrinking of structural dimensions, means that designing next-generation devices is more challenging and time-consuming than ever before. This, coupled with the fact that the number of technology and design options available is increasing, means a lower probability that any particular design will be commercially successful. As a result, device manufacturers need reliable tools for pathfinding that reduce the number of viable options available and help them implement solutions faster.

Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy

Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) collects detailed elemental information along with electron microscopy images, providing critical compositional context for EM observations. With EDS, chemical composition can be determined from quick, holistic surface scans down to individual atoms.

3D EDS Tomography

Modern materials research is increasingly reliant on nanoscale analysis in three dimensions. 3D characterization, including compositional data for full chemical and structural context, is possible with 3D EM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.

Atomic-Scale EDS

Atomic-resolution EDS provides unparalleled chemical context for materials analysis by differentiating the elemental identity of individual atoms. When combined with high-resolution TEM, it is possible to observe the precise organization of atoms in a sample.

EDS Elemental Analysis

Thermo Scientific Phenom Elemental Mapping Software provides fast and reliable information on the distribution of chemical elements within a sample.

Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)

Materials science research benefits from high-resolution EELS for a wide range of analytical applications. This includes high-throughput, high signal-to-noise-ratio elemental mapping, as well as probing of oxidation states and surface phonons.

In Situ experimentation

Direct, real-time observation of microstructural changes with electron microscopy is necessary to understand the underlying principles of dynamic processes such as recrystallization, grain growth, and phase transformation during heating, cooling, and wetting.

Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

Multi-scale analysis

Novel materials must be analyzed at ever higher resolution while retaining the larger context of the sample. Multi-scale analysis allows for the correlation of various imaging tools and modalities such as X-ray microCT, DualBeam, Laser PFIB, SEM and TEM.

TEM Imaging and Analysis

Thermo Scientific transmission electron microscopes offer high-resolution imaging and analysis of semiconductor devices, enabling manufacturers to calibrate toolsets, diagnose failure mechanisms, and optimize overall process yields.

Automated Particle Workflow

The Automated NanoParticle Workflow (APW) is a transmission electron microscope workflow for nanoparticle analysis, offering large area, high resolution imaging and data acquisition at the nanoscale, with on-the-fly processing.